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How did 90% of large Australian Ice Age animals go extinct?
26 Feb 2010
Was it humans or climate change or something else?
by Michael J. Oard
Darwin’s mentors
25 Jul 2012
Two prominent clergymen unwittingly gave Darwin the long-age time frame he needed to make evolution ‘work’.
by Russell Grigg
Same data, different interpretations?
09 Feb 2013
Do we interpret data to understand the past, or does the data automatically give us the story?
by Carl Wieland
Researchers remain divided over ‘feathered dinosaurs’
07 Sep 2018
Could feathered dinosaurs have existed? Logically distinct question: did dinosaurs evolve into birds?
by Brian Thomas and Jonathan Sarfati
The Resurrection and Genesis
09 Apr 2012
Jesus’ resurrection was a historical event, and it depends on the historical reality of the events of Genesis 1.
by Lita Sanders
Believe it or not—the earth is young!
28 Nov 2007
Evidence mounts that the earth is not millions of years old. What does that mean for me?
by Tas Walker
The biggest dinosaur eggs
04 Mar 2020
Just how big were they, and what are the implications for the Ark?
by Phil Robinson
The oceans show us a young Earth
15 Mar 2021
Using the same philosophy (uniformitarianism) employed by evolutionists, the oceans fail to live up to old-earth expectations.
by Paul Price
National Geographic unveils ‘Wilma’ the Neandertal lady
07 Oct 2008
Primitive? Sub-human? Even this evolutionary magazine portrays Neandertals as much more human than used to be the case.
by Carl Wieland
Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle provides compelling evidence for the Bible
10 Feb 2020
The third installment of Patterns of Evidence examines the question: can we really believe God parted the Red Sea?
by Lita Sanders
Why would Christians be hostile to biblical creation?
13 Jul 2014
There are many different reasons.
by Shaun Doyle
Living (and eating) like a caveman?
04 Jan 2023
'Paleo' diet vs 'Hallelujah' diet? Better to follow the evidence.
by Carl Wieland