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Response to the evolution appeasers
24 Oct 2008
A once-sound New Zealand Brethren monthly, Treasury, published a pro-theistic-evolution article. Why is appeasement on this issue so wrong?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Was reincarnation removed from the Bible?
25 Mar 2017
A correspondent suggests the Bible’s teaching was changed to remove reincarnation. We respond.
by Lita Sanders
UFOlogy: the world’s fastest-growing ‘scientific’ religion?
12 May 2011
Belief in extraterrestrial life and UFOs has all the hallmarks of a religion, except it’s one that’s backed by numerous scientists.
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
The Skeptics and their ‘Churchian’ Allies
The Skeptics and their ‘Churchian’ Allies
by Jonathan Sarfati
Helpful animals
02 Aug 2017
When creatures work together to help one other, it defies evolutionary predictions.
by Robert Doolan
Cain’s wife explanation ‘gross and disgusting’?
18 Jul 2009
The ‘Who was “Mrs Cain”?’ question is a good example of how Christians should use logical deduction from Scripture rather than emotional reaction.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Does God care what I wear?
02 Jul 2013
What does the Bible teach about clothes and modesty?
by Lita Sanders
Did birds evolve from dinosaurs?
19 Oct 2012
Do Archaeopteryx and so-called ‘feathered dinosaurs’ support dino-to-bird evolution?
by Michael J Oard
The Best Genetic Computer Program in the World
29 Jun 2010
Scientists begin to unravel the splicing code
by Rob Carter
‘You shouldn’t marry your cousin!’
Calls to stop cousins marrying highlight a problem that confounds evolutionists, but for Christians is as understandable as who was Cain?s wife.
by David Catchpoole
The Haggard tragedy
09 Nov 2006
When a vocal defender of the Bible’s authority, even one who attacks evolution, is morally disgraced in the public eye, what does that say about the link between evolution and morality?
by Carl Wieland
Camels and the Bible
11 Feb 2014
Do the recent claims that there were no camels in Canaan until long after Abraham disprove the Bible?
by Lita Sanders