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‘Feathered’ dinos: no feathers after all!
24 Jul 2012
Detailed analysis of Sinosauropteryx and decaying animals provides evidence for rapid burial, consistent with a global Flood. Also, claimed protofeathers were really support fibres for a single structure, like a crest.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Exploring ‘transexualism’
09 Oct 2013
But doesn’t the Bible say, ‘Male and female He made them … ’?
by Kathy Wallace
A road trip with a difference!
24 Jan 2013
What happens when the BBC take British creationists on an American road-trip, meeting leading evolutionist experts? Read on to find out …
by Phil Robinson
Cain’s wife and brother-sister intermarriage
14 May 2011
How could Cain have married his sister, if God forbade this practice in Leviticus, and his moral law is unchanging?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Expelled: New movie exposes persecution of anti-Darwinists
15 Feb 2008
The documentary Expelled is set to make a real stir in March 08 with its powerful exposé of the relentless suppression of anyone not toeing the Darwinian ‘party line’.
by Andrew Halloway
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
05 Aug 2010
Is the long ‘recurrent laryngeal nerve’ really an example of bad design? Atheopathic anti-creationists ignore all the other functions of its route.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Towering change
The fact that humans can talk speaks volumes for the Creator’s genius.
by Carl Wieland
Defining the Flood/post-Flood boundary in sedimentary rocks
15 Dec 2017
Twelve criteria to use to define where the Flood stops in the rock record.
by Michael J. Oard
The K/T impact hypothesis and secular neocatastrophism—why is this important to Flood geology?
25 Jan 2013
What forced secular geologists to abandon Charles Lyell’s gradualism and embrace catastrophe in the rocks?
by Carl R. Froede Jr
Celebrating Twelve Names of Christ
19 Dec 2023
‘At the name of Jesus … ’ At this Christmastime, take a few moments to reflect on the Name that is above all Names.
by Deborah Wuehler
03 Feb 2010
Gravity holds us firmly on the ground and keeps the earth circling the sun. You might think it would be one of the best understood concepts in science. But it remains, in many ways, a profound mystery.
by Don DeYoung
One day is as a thousand years: God’s warning to those who deny creation and the worldwide flood
16 Jul 2019
“one day is as a thousand years” is often used as an excuse for not believing in literal creation days, but this passage is actually a warning for creation compromisers.
by Joel Tay