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An important academic resource
14 Oct 2011
A review of Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth by Terry Mortenson and Thane H. Ury (Eds.)
by Andrew S Kulikovsky
Much supposed geological time missing from strata
27 Jul 2018
Deep time is more gap than rock record
by Michael Oard
Christians cannot avoid the issue of evolution
04 Mar 2012
Some Christians have tried to deal with the topic of evolution by simply avoiding it. Has it helped?
by Calvin Smith
Gene duplication, protein evolution, and the origin of shrew venom
16 Oct 2015
Darwinists hold up gene duplication as evidence for ‘goo-to-you’ evolutionary change but the reality is much different.
by Dr Jean Lightner
Reclaiming the peppered moth
05 Jul 2021
The capacity for dark colouring is now known to be in each moth; and its caterpillar can detect twig colour through its skin, changing its colour to match.
by Joel Tay
Creation in-depth: Proteins from random amino acid chains?
01 Nov 2013
Have experiments shown that a high proportion of random polypeptides naturally form native-like folds?
by Royal Truman
Animal suffering and western sensibility
12 Apr 2012
Christians who believe in ‘millions of years’ argue that animal suffering and violence in the wild are ‘good’, and are problems only for oversensitive Westerners. The Bible indicates otherwise.
by Robert Gurney
The importance of the age of things
24 Oct 2016
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
Large Hadron Collider continues to confuse
27 Sep 2008
If the LHC discovers the Higgs boson, would this prove the big bang? And did CMI get the LHC proton energy calculations right?
by Russ Humphreys
Martin Rudwick on ancient history and modern creationism
21 May 2015
His Salon magazine article recognizes how the Bible paved the way for radical change but he still gets his facts wrong.
by John K Reed
New dinosaur Lingwulong shenqi
01 Apr 2020
Lingwulong shenqi, ‘amazing dragon of Lingwu’, is a Diplodocus-like dinosaur confounds evolutionists by being in the wrong place and time
by Jonathan Sarfati
Is it ok to be a Christian and believe in evolution?
05 Jan 2021
Can you be a Christian and believe in evolution?
by Joel Tay