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Praise God. He is using CMI to change lives!
20 Dec 2019
Creation ministry changes lives. Read the testimonies!
by Gary Bates
Stars, their purpose, and people
02 May 2024
Astrophysics often ignores God but astronomy truly brings glory to God—and the Bible says quite a lot on the subject.
by Philip Bell
How is it that I never knew?
21 Feb 2022
Tas Walker’s editorial from the latest Creation Magazine
by Tas Walker
Did Earth’s axial tilt originate at Noah’s Flood?
28 Nov 2023
The earth’s axial tilt is a deliberate design feature, not a mere accidental happenstance.
by Joshua Howells
A passion for the poor
21 Sep 2020
Ministering to the poor with biblical creation
by Margaret Wieland
Medieval misconceptions
03 Dec 2022
Many people wrongly call the Medieval period “the Dark Ages”. But most of what people “know” about that period is wrong!
by Jonathan Sarfati
Focus: creation news and views
Focus Creation news and views 38(1)
by N/A
Planation surface and strath terraces point to a Flood origin for the Chinese Loess Plateau
28 May 2021
Such a large planation surface provides evidence of the Recessive Stage of the global Flood.
by Michael J. Oard
Harmonizing science and Scripture?
There are massive problems with trying to fit billions of years into Scripture.
by Gary Bates
World by Design Tour dismantled my big bang
02 Sep 2008
Answered doubts about Scripture that were first raised in my mind at seminary.
by Yohanna Puric
How the Scriptures affirm a literal and historical six-day creation
12 Jan 2023
How can we tell that the Bible doesn’t just depict God making the world in six days?
by Shaun Doyle
Don’t Forget the Fun!
Fun stress-free homeschooling.
by Karen Lange