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Questions about Noah’s Flood
10 Nov 2018
Why did God make Noah's Flood so destructive? Why put animals on the Ark God knew would go extinct after the Flood?
by Shaun Doyle
Genetics and God’s natural selection
26 Aug 2009
by unspecidfied
Do Christians worship the one and only God?
27 Jul 2013
And what about demon possession vs mental illness?
by Lita Sanders
The myth of neutrality
23 Jun 2012
Rather than promoting neutrality, as some claim, secularism is a dogmatic belief system that is changing society beyond recognition.
by Dominic Statham
Bypassing the cracks
29 Mar 2017
When mud that encases the larva of a particular African horsefly dries out and breaks up, it does so in a way that protects the insect.
by Richard Peachey
New science on the young sun, and Earth migration
21 Mar 2014
Could an earth closer to the sun solve the evolutionary faint young sun paradox?
by Wayne Spencer
Devils Tower and Bible glasses
How to view this intriguing geological feature from a biblical perspective.
by Tas Walker
Mind over matter
12 Nov 2015
A naturalistic view of origins must explain the existence of coded information within living things arising from a ‘no mind’ process, but all of our scientific observations deny that possibility.
by Calvin Smith
Dawkins gloats over boost to evolutionary dogma in schools
21 Jan 2012
Richard Dawkins and British Humanist Association celebrate censorship of creation teaching in UK schools.
by Dominic Statham and Philip Bell
Logic and lesbianism
25 Aug 2012
‘Natural’ behaviours are not necessarily moral.
by Don Batten
Huxley, morality and the Bible
16 Dec 2013
Huxley hated God, but wanted his own children to be taught the bible.
by Russell Grigg
More or less information?
18 Feb 2023
Responding to vexatious evolutionist challenges about genetic information.
by Andrew Lamb