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Remembering God’s mighty acts
20 Apr 2017
The Bible calls us to read its narrative in ways that contradict deep time.
by Shaun Doyle
Virtual debates, real-world doubts
09 Mar 2013
What should Christians do when ‘the going gets tough’ in online debating?
by Lita Sanders
God’s justice and ‘the things that are made’
13 Aug 2013
Theistic evolution destroys Paul’s defense of the justness of God in Romans 1:19-20.
by Marc Ambler
DVD makers copy mantis shrimp eye design
24 Aug 2013
The fine nanorod structure of the mantis shrimp eyes allow it to rotate the polarization across the spectrum. This could help DVD players to process much more information.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Probably no God?
07 Apr 2009
British buses have been carrying slogans of unbelief recently. What’s the real agenda behind this latest advertising campaign? And how should Christians respond?
by Phil Robinson
A watchman for the Lord
25 Aug 2014
As a well-known US street evangelist constantly encounters the challenge of evolutionary thinking, he is well-equipped with the answers.
by Gary Bates
The long story of long ages
27 Jul 2011
The Genesis account of recent creation is in direct opposition to pagan long-age superstitions.
by David Green
Mini ‘hand grenades’ explode evolutionary ideas
23 Mar 2016
The tiny fruit of a plant lands a big blow against evolution.
by Dr Wolfgang Kuhn
Conversation with an unlikely convert
11 Feb 2019
How an academic’s life was eventually turned around by true friendship and reading the Bible.
by Lita Sanders
Evolution’s well-kept secret:
07 Jul 2020
This ‘dirty secret’ of modern-day Darwinism blows a hole in evolutionary theory a mile wide!
by Paul Price
Scopes at 100
25 Aug 2020
The 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial pitted evolution and creation against each other in the courtroom.
by Robert Carter
Clergy Letter Project a circus
03 Feb 2009
Atheist Zimmerman invites clergy to dance to his evolutionary Clergy Letter Project.
by Adrian Bates