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2012—What’s all the fuss about?
12 Jan 2010
The big picture from most groups seems to be … that 2012 will be the year when drastic changes will occur politically, environmentally, spiritually and scientifically.
by Calvin Smith
Designed to adapt?
03 Jan 2017
Despite evidence to the contrary, evolutionists continue to offer up random mutations as an explanation of how life developed.
by Judah Etinger
Can you answer: ‘How did we get our Bible?’
22 Aug 2013
Would you be able to give an answer to an often asked question? A new resource can help make it easy for you.
by Gary Bates
How long were the Israelites in Egypt?
21 Sep 2021
The time the Israelites spent in Egypt is a matter of much debate, but it can be resolved by taking a deep dive into their fascinating family history.
by Robert Carter and Lita Sanders
Bible v slavery: response to critics
09 Apr 2022
Many biblioskeptics attack the Bible for teaching racism and slavery, but it was actually biblical teaching that abolished these evils.
by Carl Wieland
The magnificent migrating monarch
by Jules Poirier
Reaching out at Roswell
14 Jul 2009
Thousands flock to Roswell to commemorate an alleged alien crash landing, but it is really about exploring and trying to understand their place in the universe.
by Gary Bates
The relationship between the Fall, the Curse, and the Gospel, and its incompatibility with theistic evolution
11 Mar 2011
How the close relationship between the three is incompatible with theistic evolution
by David G. Shackelford
Original animal protein in fossils?
10 Feb 2014
Complex biomolecules such as proteins are increasingly being found in fossils supposedly ‘millions of years old’.
by Brian Thomas
The Masoretic text of Genesis 5 and 11 is still the most reliable
04 Jun 2019
Interacting with Henry Smith’s latest response to our textual research.
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Does Genetics Point to a Single Primal Couple?
30 Apr 2011
A reader points out that a Biologos article contradicts what CMI has published. Who is right?
by Rob Carter
Hawking on Heaven
21 Jul 2011
Why should an atheistic physicist be regarded as an expert on theology?
by Shane Cessna