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Creation in-depth: Carl von Savigny
19 Sep 2014
The ‘Darwin’ of German legal theory.
by Augusto Zimmermann
Distant starlight and the days of Genesis 1
16 Jul 2022
How should we approach the distant starlight travel time issue? How do we argue against day-age theory?
by Shaun Doyle
The awesome wonder of Wilpena Pound, Australia
16 Jun 2016
How the cataclysm of Noah’s Flood explains it.
by Tas Walker
They want to convert your children!
10 May 2016
When theistic evolutionists convince children not to believe the Bible’s account of origins, what are they really converting them to?
by Lita Sanders
Sensational Seeds—compact packages attest to God’s handiwork
10 Feb 2022
A farmer plants a seed. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how …
by David Catchpoole
Refuting absolute geocentrism
06 Sep 2016
Responding to criticisms of why the Earth is not the Center of the Universe: Refuting Absolute Geocentrism
by Robert Carter
Do we have enough evidence to trust the Bible?
01 Apr 2023
A lawyer gives his perspective on the Bible’s credibility as eyewitness testimony.
by Cortney Alexander
Does ‘deep time’ make sense?
20 Jun 2013
As we look at the foundations of the ‘billions of years’ historical framework, are the foundations rock or sand?
by Shaun Doyle
Mutations, selection and the quest for meatier livestock
02 Nov 2006
One place where mutations and natural selection can be tested and studied is the livestock industry.
by Jean K. Lightner
Creation in-depth: Fossils and the post-Flood boundary
29 Nov 2013
What does the stratigraphy of fossils suggest about the placement of the Flood/post-Flood boundary in the rocks?
by Marcus R Ross
Atheist spat
24 May 2011
A strategy of subterfuge and stealth? Or to attack Christianity with all guns blazing? The ‘moderates’ and the ‘new atheists’ struggle to unite against their common creationist enemy!
by David Anderson
Butterflies fly on designer wings
02 Jun 2014
The wings and the ‘aviation programming’ of the humble butterfly are far more sophisticated than anything man has made.
by Patrick Clarke