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Is evolution pseudoscience?
08 Sep 2008
Evolutionists’ own criteria for identifying a ‘pseudoscience’ show that evolution itself is a pseudoscience.
by Mark Johansen
The dating game
30 Dec 2023
Scientists won’t accept radiometric dates they don’t like, as arguments over Mungo Man show.
by Tas Walker
Polystrate fossils:
21 Jul 2008
Fossil tree trunks spanning geological strata look like they grew in place, but closer inspection reveals a different story—evidence of catastrophe.
by Tas Walker
Origin of life: the polymerization problem
Origin of life: the polymerization problem
by Jonathan Sarfati
A shrinking date for ‘Eve’
by Carl Wieland
The lies of Free Inquiry—a response
21 Feb 2012
Prominent atheist magazine attacks the faith of nursing home residents.
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Mesopotamian monsters in Paris
30 May 2024
Ancient Mesopotamian artifacts show evidence of ancient knowledge of dinosaurs.
by Dominic Statham
Flood models and biblical realism
10 Feb 2012
Much disagreement exists among biblical creationists about how the Flood occurred. How should we proceed?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Are there out-of-sequence fossils that are problematic for evolution?
17 Apr 2014
Bill Nye’s claim that there are no out-of-order fossils puts a bullseye on a weak spot for evolution.
by Gary Bates and Lita Cosner
Dubious and dangerous exposition
27 Jan 2012
A review of The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate by John H. Walton
by Dominic Statham
Refuting contrived pro-abortion arguments: the ‘famous violinist’ of Judith Jarvis Thomson
28 Jun 2008
Some pro-abortionist philosophers advance arguments of which even most pro-abort politicians are unaware. But they are important to answer, as the culture moves further from sanctity of innocent human life.
by Jonathan Sarfati and Lita Cosner
Darwinism: it was all in the family
01 Feb 2012
Darwinism began not with Charles but with his grandfather Erasmus.
by Russell Grigg