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Hebrew professor: Genesis teaches six solar days!
30 Mar 2015
Hebrew scholar explains why Genesis 1 teaches solar days and a young earth, and why it matters.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Ibn Khaldun: 14th-century Islamic evolutionist
08 Jul 2013
‘Man came from monkeys’ was proposed by an Islamic evolutionist in the 14th century!
by Russell Grigg
NASA shock: ET from Earth
18 Feb 2013
NASA’s quest for alien life has hit a very terrestrial snag.
by David Catchpoole
The Creation Couple
31 Dec 2008
Whether challenging secularists on creation or abortion, husband and wife Dr Stephen Grocott and Dr Dianne Grocott pack a powerful punch.
by Don Batten and Jonathan Sarfati
Haiti’s horrendous earthquake disaster
21 Jan 2010
Should we help and why
by Gary Bates
Finding faith
18 Feb 2014
CMI’s Jonathan O’Brien tells how he became a Christian, a geologist, and a young-Earth believer.
by Jonathan O'Brien
Is ‘gender reassignment’ surgery sometimes successful?
13 Oct 2013
A correspondent challenges CMI’s recent article on ‘transsexualism’.
by Kathy Wallace
The violent volcanoes of Io
15 Dec 2014
Spectacular evidence for a young solar system
by David Coppedge
Argumentum ad nihilum: argument amounting to nothing
30 Oct 2008
A review of Creation out of Nothing by Paul Copan and William Lane Craig.
by Andrew Kulikovsky
'Ape-woman' statue misleads public: anatomy professor
The problem with most Christian movies
02 Nov 2017
Why Let There Be Light fails, and a better option.
by Lita Sanders
Kata Tjuta: an astonishing story
09 Jul 2007
Kata Tjuta, a famous Australian tourist attraction amazes visitors. Visit the Olgas in Central Australia and discover what is so astonishing.
by Tas Walker