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Is the RubisCO enzyme an ineffective leftover of evolution?
25 Jan 2020
Some evolutionists claim that the RubisCO enzyme is an evolutionary leftover, but when we look at the details it is obviously a design element!
by Matthew Cserhati
Life: worthless or priceless?
02 Jul 2020
Is it okay to abort deformed babies?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Nature’s creatures do ‘impossible’ things
31 Dec 2018
Water striders are strides ahead of robotics engineers, and fleas have the jump on them, too
by David Catchpoole
Do correspondents’ letters mean what they intended?
28 Oct 2012
A correspondent writes that ‘what the author intended to convey’ is ‘subjective and debatable’.
by Russell Grigg
Chronology vs. chronogenealogies: Is Ussher to blame?
24 Oct 2020
A feedback question doubts the biblical history in favor of secular Egyptian chronology.
by Gavin Cox
Prescription for raising children
02 Apr 2009
A recent analysis of American children reveals some home truths which might be unpalatable to some of the “intelligentsia”.
by Russell Grigg and David Catchpoole
Need a science/nature project? Seed identification might be the ticket!
Need a Science/Nature Project? Seed Identification Might Be the Ticket!
by By Mari Almon
Creation magazine 41(2) Contents
Creation magazine 41(2) Contents
The central role of Darwinism in the Holocaust
01 Apr 2022
How the German academic culture contributed to the genocide of European Jews during World War II
by Jerry Bergman
Can creationists be scientists?
Can creationists be scientists?
by Jason Lisle
Preaching the Gospel in Zambia
23 Apr 2019
The story behind an engineer who left the mining industry and fulfilled a desire to preach.
by Lita Sanders
Journal of Creation
Journal of Creation Volume 7 Issue 2