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Walking monkey business in Israel
by Carl Wieland
Resisting the secular slide
30 Oct 2014
Censorship of those who advocate truth has gone on since the dawn of humanity, but the values of the Council of Europe take this to a new level, claiming that creationists threaten human rights!
by Philip Bell
Folding rocks and atheists’ right to teach
10 Oct 2009
If Christians want to be allowed to teach what they believe, then why shouldn’t atheists enjoy the same freedom?
by Don Batten and Emil Silvestru
The irreducibly complex ribosome is a unique creation in the three domains of life
30 Nov 2018
Is the ribosome designed? Are there differences between the ribosomes in the different domains of life?
by Matyas Cserhati and Warren Shipton
Vintage Journal: Inheritance of biological information: part 2
22 Jul 2011
How Werner Gitt’s five-dimensional theory of information affects the ‘information challenge’ creationists often use against evolution.
by Alex Williams
Patrick Matthew—the Scot who pre-empted Darwin
11 Aug 2015
Many people believe that Charles Darwin was the originator of the theory of evolution. In fact, a little-known Scottish laird wrote about natural selection when Darwin was still a creationist.
by Dominic Statham
The Salt Range saga
16 Jul 2020
The Salt Range of Pakistan has yielded some very interesting fossils—that according to evolution should not have been found!
by Paul Price
‘Living fossils’
Living horseshoe crabs and Comptonia peregrina ferns are identical to their fossils, indicating no evolution.
by Joachim Scheven
Creation in independent schools
18 Oct 2018
Under the guise of protecting school pupils against indoctrination, hypocritical moves are afoot to propagate scientific materialism.
by Dominic Statham
The remarkable Captain Robert FitzRoy
17 Apr 2019
The man in charge of the Beagle was known for his Christian character as well as his great skill as a mariner.
by Nicos Kaloyirou
On pterosaurs, and flights of the evolutionary imagination
09 Dec 2016
Non-existent evolutionary ‘ghost lineages’ have been invoked to try to explain these fascinating flying reptiles.
by John Woodmorappe
Adam’s sin
05 Sep 2015
Two correspondents ask: why are we punished because of Adam’s sin? How would you respond?
by Lita Sanders