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Assumptions, presumptions and the future of faith
02 Oct 2009
A review of Living with Darwin: Evolution, Design, and the Future of Faith by Philip Kitcher.
by Lael Weinberger
On the streets with the “March for Science” protesters
02 May 2017
They were protesting, but what was it about?
by Paul Price
Evolutionary psychology
20 Oct 2013
Explaining everything … and nothing.
by Lita Sanders
How does andesite lava originate in the earth?
02 Oct 2015
Questionable assumptions about how volcanic andesite lava is produced suggests caution before accepting uniformitarian interpretations.
by Michael J. Oard
Are you dancing to your DNA?
27 Aug 2008
Why do atheists like Richard Dawkins bother trying to convert people to atheism if everything we believe is fated by the movement of atoms anyway?
by Winston Vanderput
Cost theory and the cost of substitution—a clarification
by Walter J. ReMine
The ‘Pioneer anomaly’
29 Mar 2010
Creationist cosmology explains puzzling slowdown of Pioneer spacecraft.
by D. Russell Humphreys
Changing chromosome numbers
14 Aug 2008
Many people regard chromosome numbers in animals as being essentially fixed. Not so. See how this helps explain rapid speciation after the Flood.
by Jean K. Lightner
The lead codices—this year’s ‘Gospel of Judas’?
17 Apr 2011
They’ve been hailed as possibly the earliest Christian documents, but can they live up to the hype?
by Lita Sanders
The basement rocks of the Brisbane area, Australia
29 Jun 2012
Where do they fit in the creation model?
by Tas Walker
A new view of Chapman’s Peak Drive, Cape Town, South Africa
03 Jul 2012
Revealing spectacular evidence for Noah’s global Flood
by Tas Walker
Ludwig Wittgenstein
31 May 2011
One of the most influential 20th Century philosophers was a Darwin doubter.
by Jerry Bergman