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The Genesis 5 and 11 fluidity question
30 Sep 2023
Many modern scholars believe that the Genesis genealogies contain gaps and cite fluidity as the reason. What is fluidity and why is it wrong?
by Travis R. Freeman
Don’t fall for the bait and switch
08 Dec 2008
Is evolution true? Well … yes and no. It all depends on what you mean by ‘evolution’.
by Tas Walker
Did Eve lie before the Fall? Americans glad that Creation magazine is still available
17 Mar 2007
Eve told the Serpent that God commanded no touching the forbidden fruit, when He had simply said don’t eat. Was humanity’s first sin Eve lying?
by Carl Wieland
Broken images
06 Jan 2014
What happened to the image of God in mankind after the Fall?
by Lita Sanders
Trinity: analogies and countering critics
10 Aug 2023
Answering questions about the Trinity: does God have parts, good vs. fallacious analogies, the Holy Spirit’s personality, the early Church’s recognition of the Trinity, what ‘God is one’ means.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Ebola disease: the result of the Fall
25 Oct 2014
Ebola virus had a benign function before the Fall, as it seems to have today in bats. The disease is deadly because it turns our immune systems against us.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Solar system formation by accretion has no observational evidence
02 Dec 2011
No observational evidence
by Jonathan Henry
Are look-alikes related?
23 Jan 2013
What else could explain look-alikes?
by Don Batten
Is the fish really our ancestor?
30 Jul 2010
A review of Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body by Neil Shubin
by Colin Mitchell
Is evolution ‘scientific’?
25 Dec 2008
America’s National Science Education Standards specifies certain criteria as to what constitutes scientific knowledge. How does evolution rate?
by Calvin Smith
Who is being divisive about creation?
11 Jan 2013
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the now-released December issue of Journal of Creation. Subscribers will be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Lita Sanders
Ancient Egypt confirms: Genesis is history
22 Dec 2014
The ancient Egyptians knew what many modern theologians deny: Genesis is reliable history
by Carl Wieland