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The ideas of Teilhard De Chardin
21 Jan 2015
One of the men involved with the Piltdown Man hoax rejected Genesis and spent a lifetime trying to fit evolution into the Bible.
by G.J.Keane
Is Genesis allegory or poetry?
16 Feb 2014
If Genesis is mere ‘poetry’ or allegory, then what about the resurrection of Jesus?
by Russell Grigg
Moeraki Boulders: giant marbles of New Zealand
11 Jan 2016
The Moeraki Boulders of New Zealand tell a fascinating story.
by Tas Walker
Pig tales
03 Aug 2013
Is the pig’s love of wallowing in mud a legacy of having evolved in some muddy pond, billions of years ago?
by David Catchpoole
Blast from the Past: Museum director Dr Johann Blasius v Darwin
01 Apr 2009
Prof. Johann Blasius was director of a major German museum when Darwin wrote Origin. His reaction reminds us that it was predominantly the scientists, not the theologians, who at first opposed Darwinism.
by Carl Wieland
Another leggy snake?
29 Apr 2008
Discovering leg bones in the fossil snake Eupodophis has evolutionists excited. But are leggy snakes ‘primitive’, and what have they to do with the Curse in Genesis 3?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Confronted by the Second Law of Thermodynamics
24 Aug 2017
How one man’s encounter with creation evangelism caused him to re-think his understanding of the world and led him to faith in Jesus Christ.
by Warren Nunn
Creation in-depth: limb design and common ancestry
16 Aug 2013
Similar limb designs develop through very different pathways and point to common design.
by Dominic Statham
Gene editing babies? A dangerous, pointless experiment
11 Dec 2018
A Chinese physicist claims to have used gene editing techniques on twins that were born last month. What should we think?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Discussing the Trinity
30 Jun 2018
Explaining why we believe the Scriptures teach the Trinity, the Deity of Jesus, and the Personhood of the Holy Spirit.
by Lita Sanders
Pascal’s wager
09 Mar 2009
Simple logic shows that it is foolish to ignore the claims of Christ.
by Russell Steyne
Jeremy L Walter, mechanical engineering
Why he believes in six day creation.