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Atheism is more rational?
30 May 2023
Is atheism simply non-belief or an active belief? Who has the ‘burden of proof’: atheists or theists.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Basics of biblical biology
26 Dec 2013
While design is fundamental to biblical biology, there is more to the story …
by Shaun Doyle
What’s in a pronoun? The divine gender controversy
20 Aug 2008
A number of respondents to a UK survey disagreed with a ‘male God’. But what does the Bible teach, and what does it mean for people of both sexes?
by Lita Sanders
Evenings and mornings
13 Mar 2008
How can there be evenings and mornings in Genesis 1 before the creation of the sun on Day 4?
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Music—evidence of creation
by Robert Doolan
The Resurrection and Genesis
05 Apr 2015
The Resurrection is a real event that happened in real time. It’s based on history, flows out of the events of Genesis 1–3, and changes everything.
by Lita Sanders
Archaeoraptor—Phony ‘feathered’ fossil
by Jonathan Sarfati
One man and a vision
02 Mar 2009
The sight of a stately ‘Ark’ cruising Holland’s waterways turns heads—and hearts.
by Frans Gunnink
What really happened at Roswell?
06 Jul 2007
Hundreds of thousands of ‘true believers’ celebrate the famous ‘Roswell aliens incident’ every year. But what really happened?
by Gary Bates
Does the Bible condone polygamy?
22 Jul 2017
Does the Bible condone polygamy?
by Keaton Halley
What was the ancient Jewish view of creation?
04 Nov 2015
In the centuries before and after the coming of Jesus Christ, how did Jewish theologians understand the creation account in Genesis?
by David Malcolm
Discovering the Hidden Value of Math
Discovering the Hidden Value of Math: How math builds the brain
by Heather Shanks