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Why evolution need not be true
08 Jul 2011
A review of Why Evolution is True by Jerry A. Coyne
by John Woodmorappe
Born to communicate
06 Jun 2018
Amazingly, deaf children stranded by themselves develop their own complete sign language. 
by Kevin May
We are … biblical creationists?
04 Oct 2011
Being careful not to play into the opposition’s hands …
by Gary Bates
Is brother-sister intermarriage intrinsically immoral?
29 Sep 2012
Does Leviticus 18 imply that brother-sister intermarriage was always wrong?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
The “God spot”
Scientists say that a certain spot in the brain produces religious feeling; does that mean it’s all in our heads?
by Lita Sanders
The pinnacle of Creation
07 Feb 2013
The Bible and secular science give two very different versions of man’s place in creation.
by Robert Gurney
Resolving alleged conflicts between the Bible and other accounts of Egyptian history
11 Aug 2013
Egyptologist Patrick Clarke responds to an enquiry about research into apparent conflicts between the Bible and conventional Egyptian chronologies.
by Patrick Clarke
The ‘Lazarus effect’: rodent ‘resurrection’!
14 May 2008
Looking for something different? Try an Asian food market. You might be surprised …
by David Catchpoole
The watchers and genetic diversity
22 Feb 2014
Is there genetic evidence of the Nephilim? And does the genetic diversity of animals today match what we would expect from the biblical account?
by Rob Carter
Can you be a gay Christian?
25 Jun 2016
We tackle a sensitive and controversial question.
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
The incarnate Word
24 Dec 2019
While Matthew and Luke talk about Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, John traces Jesus’ story much further back.
by Lita Sanders
What were Adam’s and Eve’s blood types?
29 Dec 2018
Since God made Eve from Adam’s rib, would their blood types be identical? So how do we explain different blood types now?
by Jonathan Sarfati