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What ever happened to ‘sin’?: A response to the UK Equality Bill
07 Jul 2009
Under the Bill churches could be forced to employ practising homosexuals.
by Russell Grigg
Get your 2013 Creation Calendar
Get your 2013 Creation Calendar God’s Astounding Designs
by Tas Walker
The workings of nature combined with a sprinkling of evolutionary storytelling
27 Jul 2012
A review of Darwin’s Island by Steve Jones.
by John Woodmorappe
Focus: creation news and views
Focus Creation news and views 35(1).
by Various
Focus: creation news and views
Focus Creation news and views 33(2).
by Various
Church leaders and natural disasters
28 Jan 2010
The tragic earthquake in Haiti has raised age-old questions that today’s church leaders often cannot answer
by Robert J. M. Gurney
The Florissant redwood trees deposited from a Flood log mat
15 Jan 2021
How were all these huge tree trunks deposited?
by Michael J Oard
Species were designed to change, part 3
12 Aug 2021
Not only can species change over time, but they can merge and split as well. This can be described with the ‘braided baramin’ concept.
by Robert Carter
Momentous ministry tour impacts the Church in South Africa!
08 Sep 2015
Creation ministry tour ‘switched many on’ to the foundational importance of Genesis to the Gospel!
by Johan Kruger
T. rex dinosaur relatives found buried together
03 Aug 2021
Did T. rex relatives live and die together, or are the scientists right that these Teratophoneus fossils were buried together in a flood?
by Lucien Tuinstra
The age of the earth—and why it matters
23 Jun 2020
Why billions of years is an even bigger issue than evolution.
by Gary Bates
Brilliant builder-bees!
07 Sep 2020
Tetragonula carbonaria are stingless bees that build complex spiral brood combs. Scientists have likened these to crystals, but bees are far more complex than crystals.
by Gavin Cox