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The genetic history of the Israelite nation
23 Aug 2019
What can genetics tell us about the history of the Jews?
by Robert Carter
Precambrian rocks
24 Oct 2014
Creationist geologists who previously argued that Precambrian rocks were formed before Noah’s Flood had to rethink their position.
by Andrew Snelling
Churches celebrating the ‘Year of Darwin’
19 Feb 2009
It is a shame that so many churches who embrace evolution are blissfully unaware that they are caught up in a web of deceit that has the atheists cheering.
by Gary Bates
Was Darwin racist?
17 Oct 2009
Some today would like to believe that Darwin’s views about ‘savages’ like the Fuegians were just a product of his time, rather than of his evolutionary ideas.
by Carl Wieland
Created to fly!
04 Mar 2015
For thousands of years man has gazed in awe at the magnificent soaring ability of birds. Today we’ve even made our own winged machines. But it was the Creator’s idea first!
by Robert Doolan
The enigmatic narwhal
02 Feb 2009
The bizarre tusk of this unique marine creature bolstered stories of unicorns—what are the facts, and how do they relate to Genesis history?
by Jean Lightner
Conspiracy and doomsday scenarios: should Christians be worried?
12 May 2007
Was the US Government really behind 9/11? Is destructive weather really being generated by secret ‘scalar interferometry’ weapons? Are such claims true, and what should Christians do about it?
by Andrew Lamb
Spectacular, surprising seals
14 May 2014
Seals were once mercilessly hunted for economic benefit. The more we learn of these special marine animals, the more we can appreciate the unique wisdom in their design.
by Paula Weston
Faith not facts?
09 Dec 2013
A faith devoid of facts is dead.
by Tony Mator
Big-eye brain-less Neandertal nonsense
23 May 2013
Bigger eyes in Neandertals didn’t mean they had less brain.
by David Catchpoole, Don Batten
New radiohalo find challenges primordial granite claim
No substance to claims about ancient rocks.
by Tas Walker
Does music have evolutionary origins?
08 Apr 2011
Where did music come from? What is its purpose? Can such questions even be answered?
by Greg Demme