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Our brains are getting bigger—no, smaller …
09 Feb 2022
Evolutionists who linked human brain size to intelligence have had to change their story.
by Carl Wieland
The spiritual death of the Adam tribe?
12 Jan 2014
Do the ‘years’ of Genesis 5 actually refer to generations?
by Shaun Doyle
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to perform weddings
29 Dec 2015
A cynical organisation set up to mock creationists is now deemed a religious body that can conduct marriage ceremonies.
by Jillene Bailey
Turtles fossilized while mating!
06 Dec 2022
According to paleontologist Walter Joyce, ‘there’s really no reason to enter the fossil record while you are mating.’ He’s right—and wrong.
by David Catchpoole
Interview shows public universities program students with anti-Christian bias
30 Mar 2017
Students on an American college campus believe Christians should be given fewer rights than Muslims!
by Paul Price
Slow fish in China
05 Jun 2013
The fossil find in China now confirms that fish appear suddenly in the fossil record along with all the other kinds of animals.
by Tas Walker
Gap theory revisited
14 Oct 2023
‘Gap theory’ has no exegetical basis in Scripture in both ancient Hebrew and 17th century English.
by Lita Cosner, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Becoming one flesh
25 Aug 2017
Science reveals a biblical truth with respect to the unique connection between husband and wife.
by Kathy Wallace
Gilgamesh and the biblical Flood—part 1
11 Nov 2016
Separating confusing ancient flood myths from the true history of the world revealed in Genesis.
by Murray R. Adamthwaite
A new age of quantum madness
14 Aug 2007
You and I help to create the physical world, including the laws by which it operates? Bizarre mystical notions like this are increasingly being taken seriously by top scientists.
by Carl Wieland
The fallacy of racism
Evolution fuels racism; the Bible refutes it.
by Paula Weston
Super shells
19 Jul 2017
The giant conch shell has been hailed by evolutionists as ‘one of nature’s greatest engineering masterpieces’. What makes it so special?
by Jonathan Sarfati