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Comets and the age of the solar system
by Danny Faulkner
A Better Model for the Stone Age
A Better Model for the Stone Age - Journal of Creation (TJ) 2(1)
by By A.J.M. Osgood
Church of England apologises to Darwin
23 Nov 2023
Anglican leaders’ appeasement of evolutionary theory in 2008, just before Darwin’s bicentennial, was as futile as Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler, 70 years previously.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Where the battle rages—a case of misattribution
04 Feb 2010
The famous ‘battle quote’, used widely by creationists and other Christians, did not, after all, come from Martin Luther.
by Carl Wieland
Panspermia theory burned to a crisp: bacteria couldn’t survive on meteorite
10 Oct 2008
Experiment shows that bugs from outer space would be burned up on entering Earth’s atmosphere, undermining a common evolutionary ‘loophole’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The ‘Arabia’: a steamboat buried in a cornfield
17 Jun 2013
How did a big river steamer end up under the ground?
by Jonathan O’Brien
07 May 2007
Tiny features in granite rocks make no sense in an evolutionary framework, but are powerful evidence of biblical creation and the Flood.
by Andrew A. Snelling
Cave men—in the Bible
05 Jul 2010
The Bible rules out a ‘Stone Age’—yet it describes cave men. Go figure!
by David Catchpoole
Searching for Moses
by David Down
28 Mar 2016
by Patrick Clarke
Surtsey, the young island that ‘looks old’
Surtsey is a volcanic island off Iceland that was ‘born’ in 1963. Evolutionary geologists are stunned at the many ‘old‘ features took only weeks to form.
by Carl Wieland
Tsunami tragedy
17 Jul 2013
The tragic devastation wreaked by the Boxing Day, 2004 tsunami is a sober reminder of the awesome power of God’s judgment in the Flood of Noah.
by By Tas Walker