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Writing Success the Classical Way
Writing Success the Classical Way
by Amy Hastings Olsen
Is creation irrelevant?
01 Dec 2015
Popular leaders of ‘evangelical’ Christianity increasingly embrace evolution. How should we respond?
by Gary Bates and Lita Cosner
Apes, words and people
by Alexander Williams
Of silver bullets, natural selection and fossil formation
24 Sep 2011
No one article will win the origins debate single-handedly.
by Dr Tas Walker, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
What would life be like without creation ministries?
19 Oct 2011
It causes people to think about the issues by making them realize that there is an issue to think about in the first place.
by Gary Bates
Famous living fossil ‘link’ idea fizzles further
08 Jun 2018
Famous living fossil ‘link’ idea fizzles further
by Carl Wieland
Hawkesbury Sandstone deposited from a wall of water?
29 Jul 2012
Did CMI put words into the mouth of a geologist that he never said?
by Tas Walker
Bad arguments for the Masoretic
11 Feb 2020
Responding to a creationist paper that uses bad argumentation to support the Masoretic text.
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Evolution a replacement religion?
12 Jan 2021
Evolution is evidence-based, right? Well why do scientific findings that fly in the face of evolution seldom impact the confidence of its adherents?
by Philip Bell
Going overboard with Darwinian analogies
07 Nov 2015
Is a blind struggle for survival behind the success of every trend in our society? See why evolution is a poor parallel for how ideas achieve popularity.
by Keaton Halley
Was earth covered in water “3200 million years ago”?
25 Jun 2020
No! That was early during Noah’s Flood and continents still existed
by Tas Walker
Explaining nearby objects that are old in time dilation cosmologies
15 Jul 2016
The thinking behind the existence of old objects close to Earth.
by Ron Samec