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Plants and animals around the world
02 Jan 2012
Why are they found where they are?
by Dominic Statham
Billions of years? Appraising the dangers
22 May 2012
Hot on the heels of Richard Dawkins’ The Magic of Reality is a book intended for even younger readers, to pre-prime them with evolution’s ‘billions of years’ message.
by David Catchpoole, Tas Walker, Don Batten and Jonathan Sarfati
The Parable of the Candle
12 Mar 2014
When Chris and Lucy found a note and a lighted candle that Manuel had left for them, loud-mouthed Lucy brought her ‘forensic science’ to the fore.
by Garth Wiebe
Augustine young earth creationist
08 Oct 2009
Those who want to fit deep time into the Bible often cite Augustine in support. However, Augustine was a young earth creationist, as a scholar of Augustine’s works reveals.
by Prof. Benno Zuiddam
The ‘Hong Kong ark’ fiasco
10 May 2012
Looking behind the marketing hype—a summary of the reasons why it is more certain than ever that the claimed ‘find on Ararat’ is a product of modern-day workmanship.
by Carl Wieland
‘How do I do my assignment about evolution?’
19 Jun 2007
Bible-believing students can get top marks in evolution courses—it helps to know more about evolution than the evolutionists want you to know!
by Tas Walker
Petrified flour
22 Nov 2017
A sack with petrified contents shows that millions of years is not needed for the process to take place.
by Tas Walker
Dinosaurs ate birds
13 Nov 2012
Evolution textbooks, museum displays and television documentaries say that dinosaurs gave rise to birds. But now it turns out that dinos ate them.
by David Catchpoole
Dragons: animals … not apparitions
17 Feb 2010
Accounts of dragons in history have an amazing similarity to various types of dinosaurs.
by Timofey Alferov
Darwin’s Lamarckism vindicated?
01 Mar 2011
Darwin later rejected pure ‘Darwinism’ for Larmarckism and now discoveries in epigenetics suggest that inheritance of acquired characteristics does occur.
by Robert W Carter
Eve’s offspring, the serpent, and his offspring—Part 1
23 Sep 2014
From Genesis to Revelation, the idea of offspring is important to the story of salvation. Part 1 of this series introduces this theme.
by Lita Sanders
Clarity and confusion
22 May 2009
Behe shows that mutation and selection can accomplish little—nothing like the hugely complex machinery of life. But ignoring the Bible leads to confusion over a coherent explanation.
by Don Batten