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Doubt and the Cambrian explosion
27 Apr 2019
Does lengthening the ‘timeframe’ of the Cambrian explosion make it easier for evolutionists to explain?
by Shaun Doyle
UK Prime Minister addresses Climate Change, but undermines Christian doctrines
12 Oct 2021
In a speech on Climate Change the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson undermined a basic Christian doctrine relating to the status, duties and rights of mankind.
by Andrew Sibley
Desert creatures inspire ‘SandBot’
23 Jun 2009
Even specialty vehicles such as dune buggies can end up hopelessly mired in sand. So designers of Martian robotic vehicles are looking to copy the ‘effortless’ all-terrain locomotion of earthly lizards.
by David Catchpoole
Evolution’s influence on modern Bible translations
17 Dec 2014
Attempts to ‘modernize’ the Bible run into problems when they are based on anything other than the original language.
by Charles Taylor
Drops explode off gecko skin
28 Dec 2022
Drops explode off superhydrophobic gecko skin, and its microstructure also kills bacteria, a structure which could save human lives
by Jonathan Sarfati
Global meltdown, economic woes, and evolution
03 Oct 2008
With all the fingerpointing about who’s to blame, there may be a bigger picture underlying many of the changes in our society.
by Carl Wieland
Creation astronomy from a rocket scientist
18 Jan 2023
Space scientist Dr Henry Richter’s book Spacecraft Earth explores how Earth is designed for life.
by David Coppedge
Haeckel the hero?
14 Jul 2012
Far from being a hero, Ernst Haeckel perpetrated a number of frauds.
by E. van Niekerk
Wasps: Natures pest control
18 Jul 2018
Do these pests have a place in God’s ‘very good’ creation?
by Lita Sanders
Did the ear bones of mammals really evolve from the jawbones of reptiles?
02 Jul 2019
Evolution of bones in middle ear in mammals unheard of.
by Matthew Cserhati
Species were designed to change, part 1
01 Jul 2021
When God created life, He purposefully put the ability to adapt and change into living things. He applied sound engineering principles to the problem and came up with brilliant solutions.
by Robert Carter
Elephant Genome Project: evolutionary theory re-written
31 May 2018
The Elephant Genome Project reveals a new elephant species alive today, and rewrites the previously held evolutionary tree for elephants. Research findings fit nicely with the Biblical account.
by Joel Tay