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Is the human body badly designed?
13 Sep 2018
Refuting Human Errors: A Panorama of our Glitches by Nathan Lents.
by Don Batten, Tas Walker
Priest calls CMI heretical
27 Feb 2016
Is he right?
by Lita Sanders
Sunstones and Viking ‘magic’
01 Dec 2014
Intriguing navigational aids of the ancient Icelandic seafarers
by Philip Bell
Where have all the big fish gone?
18 Nov 2020
If you’re a fisherman who reckons that fish are now smaller, and there are fewer of them around, you’re very likely right.
by David Catchpoole
The naturalistic formation of planets exceedingly difficult
07 Feb 2008
You are given the impression that it’s easy to make planets from dust but the facts are otherwise. See why.
by Michael J. Oard
Apemen and ‘freak shows’
08 Jun 2012
The exploitation of deformed humans for the cause of Darwin’s apemen
by Jerry Bergman
Wonders of Life—Part 1: How life first began
30 Mar 2013
Professor Brian Cox argues that life can create itself.
by Dominic Statham
Real tricks with hypothetical animals
11 May 2009
A university lecturer tells students all about the first multi-celled animal—except it is purely imaginary.
by Tas Walker
Petrified waterwheel
Petrified waterwheel
Does yom with a number always refer to 24-hour days?
13 Aug 2022
2 Chronicles 21:19 and the meaning of yôm.
by Shaun Doyle
Water inside fire
07 Aug 2007
The Beijing anomaly, deep inside the earth, suggests Earth’s history was much different from what is usually envisaged.
by Emil Silvestru
William Lane Craig flubs on the Flood
21 May 2020
William Lane Craig misrepresents biblical creationists about the Flood, speciation, and migration.
by Jonathan Sarfati