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Evidence for young-earth creationism
15 Feb 2015
How to build a case for biblical creation
by Shaun Doyle
Theropod and sauropod dinosaurs sighted in PNG?
01 Jul 2008
People in the West New Britain region of Papua New Guinea have recounted seeing a creature ‘closely matching’ an artist’s reconstruction of a Therizinosaurus in a dinosaur handbook, except for the appearance of the head.
by Brian Irwin
Darwin and eugenics
18 Mar 2009
Many evolutionists claim that ‘Social Darwinism’ is a distortion of Darwin’s teaching. Yet he clearly held to many social Darwinist views, and his cousin and son promoted eugenics.
by Bill Muehlenberg
Refuting Evolution—Chapter 9
Refuting Evolution chapter 9: Is the design explanation legitimate?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The wonders of water
24 Dec 2008
Water has some fascinating features that suggest it has been designed ‘just right’ for life.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Super-scientist slams society’s spiritual sickness!
26 Aug 2022
Interview with the late Dr Raymond Damadian who helped develop the MRI.
by Carl Wieland
Calvin said: Genesis means what it says
01 Jul 2020
One of Christendom’s most significant reformers was in no doubt about what Genesis taught regarding the age of the earth.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Do rivers erode through mountains?
18 Apr 2018
Have you ever noticed that many of the world’s rivers flow through mountain ranges rather than around them?
by Michael Oard
How dating methods work
28 Oct 2023
Radioactive dating sounds complicated but it is really quite simple.
by Tas Walker
Hermaphrodites and homosexuality
01 May 2010
Because a tiny number of people have genuine biological gender identity issues, such as being hermaphrodite, does not mean that homosexual practices should be legitimized.
by Don Batten
Are wisdom teeth (third molars) vestiges of human evolution?
Several factors have been found to be important in causing third molar problems.
by Jerry Bergman
Miracles and science
15 Jul 2023
A reader questions the rationality of believing in miracles. However, the response points out that the argument commits a logical fallacy, and that sceptical attacks commit circular reasoning.
by Jonathan Sarfati