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Archaeologist confirms creation and the Bible
25 Apr 2012
Interview with archaeologist Dr Clifford Wilson on the historical reliability of the Bible.
by Carl Wieland
80 whales buried mysteriously in Chilean desert
28 Apr 2021
Marine graveyard is dramatic evidence for Noah’s Flood
by Tas Walker
Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history
23 Sep 2023
Those who insist that Biblical creationists are being divisive over ‘small details’, need to reconsider what Jesus said about Genesis.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Plato and Christianity
30 Apr 2016
Are Christianity’s roots found in Plato’s philosophy or Old Testament revelation?
by Shaun Doyle
How did the waters of Noah’s Flood drain off the continents?
09 Jan 2017
How did they drain off the continents?
by Mike Oard
From the beginning of the creation
27 Jan 2016
Does Genesis imply a gap between verses 1 and 2 of chapter 1 into which Christians can fit long ages?
by Russell Grigg
When did animals become carnivorous?
31 Aug 2014
The Bible is clear that humans were only permitted to eat meat after Noah’s Flood but is less clear on whether animals were eating each other before the Flood.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Avatar and the ‘new’ evolutionary religion
05 Jan 2010
This brilliant sci-fi blockbuster uses high-tech graphics (and lots of imagery, including biblical) to push the neo-pagan nature-worship revived by the evolutionized thought patterns of our age.
by Carl Wieland
The original ‘unknown’ god of China
26 May 2010
The oldest Chinese writing shows that the people had the knowledge of the God of Genesis.
by Ethel Nelson
After devastation … the recovery
14 Nov 2012
An amazing bounce-back after catastrophe gives us insights into how the world recovered from the Flood.
by Keith Swenson, David Catchpoole
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What CMI does.
Why the Universe does not revolve around the Earth
12 Feb 2015
Debunking absolute geocentric theory that ignores the work of many devout scientists and makes a mockery of the idea that we can understand the universe.
by Robert Carter, Jonathan Sarfati