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New record of polonium radiohalos, Stone Mountain granite, Georgia (USA)
A study of Stone Mountain granite samples raises more questions than answers.
by Mark Armitage
“I came to hear about science, not the Bible!”
21 Jul 2016
Beliefs about origins should be based on Scripture, not the thinking of men.
by Dominic Statham
God’s healing hand
30 Nov 2013
Professor Terry Hamblin (1943–2012), ground-breaking hematologist and biblical creationist.
by Naomal Wijesinghe
Pliable plants
20 Mar 2013
Tropical bats use living leaves to make roosts for their young—but how can the leaves remain healthy when much of their water supply has been cut off?
by David Catchpoole
Infections, prions and evolution
19 Jan 2010
News reports about ‘evolution in prions’ has made many wonder—what are these things called prions, that cause e.g. ‘mad cow disease’? And is this really evolution?
by Carl Wieland
Why do Christians want to defend evolution?
27 Oct 2012
Evolution is naturalism for biology and undermines the integrity of the gospel; so why marry it with the Bible?
by Don Batten
The Creation Safari man
25 Aug 2021
Meet the amazing David Coppedge, the ‘Creation Safari man’ who singlehandedly runs an astounding range of creation outreach activities.
by Carl Wieland
Seekers and scoffers
11 Nov 2012
Today’s correspondence illustrates some of the reasons why CMI exists: to help seekers understand the truth of the Bible, and to stand as a public challenge to scoffers.
by Don Batten, David Catchpoole
The ‘problem’ of evil and the supremacy of Scripture
12 Oct 2010
Using a fanciful interpretation of Genesis, ID champion Bill Dembski tries to fit deep time into the Bible while defending the goodness of God. He fails.
by Philip Bell
Chinese flood at Jishi Gorge is not Noah’s Flood
23 Aug 2016
Reasons why it is not Noah’s Flood
by Tas Walker
Clueless about consciousness
23 Mar 2019
Well-funded YouTube video falls far short in explaining how consciousness evolved
by Philip Bell
Secularizing America
28 Aug 2008
Christian Smith’s The Secular Revolution challenges cherished sociological theories and exposes the anti-Christian power struggle in the West.
by Lael Weinberger