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What is our motivation?
03 May 2014
What is our reason for engaging in apologetics? And why should we thank God?
by Lita Sanders
Creation in-depth: Sorting ‘early’ Homo
02 May 2014
Why Homo habilis is not transitional between Homo erectus and australopithecines.
by Peter Line
Scientific proof we were created by aliens?
01 May 2014
Does our DNA point to alien creators?
by Gary Bates
Beavers—aquatic architects
30 Apr 2014
Famous for their dam-building, beavers have their own built-in ‘goggles’ to see clearly underwater.
by Denis Dreves
The end of a slippery slope
29 Apr 2014
An acceptance of a naturalistic account of origins leads logically and inexorably to a rejection of the other fundamental doctrines of Christianity.
by Marc Ambler
What about bad things done by the Church?
28 Apr 2014
Some facts about evolutionary atrocities, and how to refute skeptics who complain about alleged biblical or Christian ones.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Paracas skulls: they’re not aliens (or nephilim)!
27 Apr 2014
Unsurprisingly, these skulls are not aliens, even though some people want you to think they are.
by Lita Sanders
Answering moral nihilism
26 Apr 2014
Is God’s definition of ‘good’ arbitrary?
by Lita Sanders
In-depth: Refuting anti-Christian arguments on history
25 Apr 2014
A review of Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies by David Bentley Hart.
by Lita Sanders
How evolution is driving the clergy to atheism
24 Apr 2014
Struggling ministers say doubts sparked by evolution caused them to abandon the Bible, their faith and their pulpits.
by Warren Nunn
23 Apr 2014
No heart. No bones. Made up of 95% water. But they can kill you.
by Paula Weston
Has journalism been compromised in the creation-evolution debate?
22 Apr 2014
How the media lacks balance in the creation-evolution debate.
by Warren Nunn