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Evolution makes atheists out of people!
19 Jan 2023
Theistic evolutionists undermine faith at ‘Bible’ Colleges; can your church people defend what they believe?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Giving young people career choices
16 Feb 2015
How can a young person who loves science follow their dream and stay strong in the Christian faith? We hope you enjoy this editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine.
by Tas Walker
Evidence for young-earth creationism
15 Feb 2015
How to build a case for biblical creation
by Shaun Doyle
Lithium deposits at Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
14 Feb 2015
How to understand its formation and the origin of the lithium deposits.
by Tas Walker
A review of The Cambrian Explosion by Douglas Erwin and James Valentine
13 Feb 2015
Yet another fail at giving evolutionary answers for the sudden appearance of diverse fossil life forms.
by John Woodmorappe
Why the Universe does not revolve around the Earth
12 Feb 2015
Debunking absolute geocentric theory that ignores the work of many devout scientists and makes a mockery of the idea that we can understand the universe.
by Robert Carter, Jonathan Sarfati
R.C. Sproul Jr. blunders on plant death
11 Feb 2015
R.C. Sproul Jr. misrepresents creationist argument about no death before the fall by raising the canard about plant ‘death’, but plants are not nephesh chayyāh.
by Jonathan Sarfati
How to conduct brain surgery in 45 minutes
10 Feb 2015
The Bible calls for a renewing of the mind and creation teaching can facilitate this process because it calls people back to the authority of Scripture.
by Gary Bates
Thinking about chronology
09 Feb 2015
How do various chronologies fit in the biblical framework?
by Lita Sanders
Did Adam and Eve have to eat before the Fall?
08 Feb 2015
Answering questions about whether Adam and Eve needed to eat before the Fall and why the Bible mentions gold in the Garden of Eden.
by Shaun Doyle
Questions about Mormon theology
07 Feb 2015
Are Mormons right to claim their understanding of the Genesis account is an acceptable exegesis?
by Scott Gillis and Shaun Doyle
‘Evolutionary creation’—evolution rules supreme
06 Feb 2015
Yet another influential Christian academic tries to shoehorn evolution into the Bible but gets lost in a maze of contradictions.
by John Woodmorappe