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Creation, preservation and dominion: part 2
17 Dec 2010
Is technological development inherently bad for the environment?
by Andrew S. Kulikovsky
Chimpanzee Y chromosome is radically different from human
16 Dec 2010
The chimp Y chromosome is radically different to the human Y chromosome, contradicting evolutionary expectations.
by Robert W Carter
Fascinating fossil fence-wire
15 Dec 2010
Unfortunately, the average person is still conditioned into thinking ‘millions of years’ when considering how rocks and fossils form. But as we’ve said many times with many examples—given the right conditions, rocks and fossils will form in a very short time.
The Star of Bethlehem: A Review
14 Dec 2010
Rick Larson claims to have found astronomical corroboration of the events surrounding Jesus’ birth. Does it stand up to scrutiny?
by Lita Sanders
Let Beauty be the judge
13 Dec 2010
Meet someone who never tires of showing how even the tiniest of seashells display the Creator’s awesome handiwork.
by Carl Wieland
Transposon amplification in rapid intrabaraminic diversification
10 Dec 2010
A mechanism for rapid post-Flood diversification of baramins
by Evan Loo Shan
Unborn babies may “be planning their future”
09 Dec 2010
Brain scans on premature babies reveal that the unborn may be introspective. What are the implications for the abortion debate?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The lies of Lynchburg
01 Mar 2023
Enthusiastic disciples of Darwin formulated eugenics laws in America to prevent ‘undesirables’ from breeding—well before the Nazi ‘racial hygiene’ policies.
by Carl Wieland
NASA’s ‘ET’ suffered arsenic poisoning!
07 Dec 2010
The discovery of a bacterium that can use arsenic is interesting, but the hype from NASA about its implications for ‘extraterrestrial life’ turns out to be a ‘fizzer’
by Shaun Doyle
Making sense of life
06 Dec 2010
Saved as a child by therapeutic breakthroughs, Dr Yves Bergeron chose to enter medical research.
by Carl Wieland
Is the Bible our sole final authority?
04 Dec 2010
How do we know which books should be in the Bible which should not?
by Lita Sanders
The Bible’s high view of women
03 Dec 2010
Grounded in the creation account of Genesis
by Lita Sanders