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“Conservative” news site publishes pro-evolution misinformation piece
16 May 2019
A new article from a well-known conservative news site promotes evolution uncritically.
by Paul Price
Rapidly carved by channelized Flood runoff
15 May 2019
Rapidly carved by channelized Flood runoff
by Michael Oard
No monkey business here please, we’re the BBC!
14 May 2019
The BBC are enthusiastic purveyors of evolution, so why sack their staff when they base their moral decisions on the BBC’s teaching?
by Gavin Cox
Tardigrades too tough for evolution
13 May 2019
Sometimes scientists are so enthralled by the wonders of the nitty-gritty, they forget what’s really at issue.
by David Catchpoole
Does God cause Down syndrome?
11 May 2019
How can someone be “fearfully and wonderfully made” if they have disabilities like Down Syndrome?
by Shaun Doyle
Taking the bite out of evolution—critical review of Evolution’s Bite
10 May 2019
Taking the bite out of evolution.
by Jean O’Micks
Dramatic dinosaur footprints at Karoola station, Australia
09 May 2019
Fleeing the rising waters of Noah’s Flood
by Tas Walker
Valley and canyon formation in the Flood model
08 May 2019
The past is the key to the present understanding of these geological features.
by Micheal Oard
Leonardo’s dragon
07 May 2019
How did he draw a dinosaur so accurately?
by Phil Robinson
God’s DNA-detangling motors
01 Feb 2023
Complex operations within a cell have to be present from the start for it to function at all.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Defending the Resurrection
04 May 2019
How would you answer these objections to the most central event to our faith?
by Lita Sanders
Thoughts on the nutritional challenges faced by felines
03 May 2019
How did their digestive biology change to make them need meat?
by Warren Shipton