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Dystopian science
04 Apr 2019
How do we know what we know? What is the role of authority?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Walking ain’t easy
03 Apr 2019
Robotics engineers trying to copy human bipedal locomotion have a long way to go
by David Catchpoole
The real extremism
02 Apr 2019
Influential humanist propagandists try to redefine ‘extremism’ to advance their secular agenda—and they’re targeting the teaching of creation in schools.
by Dominic Statham
Opalised fossils or pseudofossils
01 Apr 2019
Can opals and opalised fossils form quickly under the right conditions?
by John Hartnett
Starting from Genesis or geology?
30 Mar 2019
What is the best way to approach the study of Genesis and the rocks?
by Shaun Doyle
Tremendous erosion of continents during the Recessive Stage of the Flood
29 Mar 2019
The erosion that occurred during the latter stages of Noah’s Flood is almost unimaginable, but remarkably obvious.
by Michael J. Oard
Dystopian science
28 Mar 2019
Humanity emerges from the rubble of a nuclear holocaust. Would science be reborn?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Antibiotic resistance: Evolution in action?
27 Mar 2019
Why are man-made pills increasingly ineffective in the battle against infections?
by Don Batten
William Lane Craig contra The Genesis Account
26 Mar 2019
William Lane Craig swings at The Genesis Account—and misses.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The universe of the lone brain
25 Mar 2019
In wrestling with the overwhelming evidence of design around us, atheists propose explanations somewhere beyond this world; even in imagined other universes.
by Paul Price
Clueless about consciousness
23 Mar 2019
Well-funded YouTube video falls far short in explaining how consciousness evolved
by Philip Bell
The big picture: really?
22 Mar 2019
What is a ‘big picture’ that has no author, meaning, or purpose?
by John Hartnett