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The issue of race and other global issues
22 Apr 2021
How creation helps us answer some of the most controversial current events.
by Gary Bates
Reaching people where they are at!
20 Apr 2021
CMI aims to direct hard-hitting creation apologetics at the salient issues of our day.
by Paul Price, Gary Bates
Polka-dotted zebra
19 Apr 2021
A new species in the making?
by David Catchpoole
Memory, the brain, and the soul
17 Apr 2021
A reader asks—if memories are stored in the brain, what basis is there for belief in the soul?
by Keaton Halley
A biased survey of the history of Genesis interpretation
16 Apr 2021
A biased survey of the history of Genesis interpretation.
by Lita Sanders
Yet another synthetic life claim?
15 Apr 2021
Scientists once again have claimed to created artificial living cells? What does this really mean for chemical evolution?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Remembering Bill Cooper (1947–2021)
13 Apr 2021
Prolific author Bill Cooper has died (9 March 2021), author of numerous books, including After the Flood, and Authenticity of the Book of Genesis.
by Andrew Sibley
Latest Cassini findings confirm: Saturnian system is young!
12 Apr 2021
Latest Cassini findings confirm a timeline too short for secular models of the solar system.
by David Coppedge
Did a Chicxulub impact wipe out dinosaurs?
10 Apr 2021
Did a meteorite really wipe out the dinosaurs? If not, what did?
by Jonathan Sarfati and Joel Tay
Systematic theology with a solid foundation
09 Apr 2021
Systematic theology with a solid foundation
by Cody J. Guitard
Prewired language processing
08 Apr 2021
Humans are born with brains 'prewired' to see words. How can evolutionists explain this?
by James R. Hughes
Genetic Entropy and the Gospel
06 Apr 2021
Multiple pieces of evidence support the idea of genetic entropy, but if it is true there is no hope for the human race outside of the second coming of Jesus Christ.
by Robert Carter