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Post-Flood man continues to become smarter
23 Jan 2015
Evolutionists continue to be confounded by discoveries that man had complex intelligence at a point in history much earlier than they expected.
by Michael J. Oard
The boy who’s proud to be a killer
22 Jan 2015
Is the troubled teenager who boasted about killing his teacher a product of evolutionary brainwashing?
by Warren Nunn
The ideas of Teilhard De Chardin
21 Jan 2015
One of the men involved with the Piltdown Man hoax rejected Genesis and spent a lifetime trying to fit evolution into the Bible.
by G.J.Keane
Intelligent Ink?
20 Jan 2015
by Michael G Matthews
Where have all the big fish gone?
18 Nov 2020
If you’re a fisherman who reckons that fish are now smaller, and there are fewer of them around, you’re very likely right.
by David Catchpoole
Should animals be given “human rights?”
18 Jan 2015
by Lita Sanders
Physicist’s ‘breakthrough’ on the origin of life: can thermodynamics of heat dissipation explain chemical evolution?
17 Jan 2015
Some evolutionists are hailing this as a ‘breakthrough’ in explaining life originating from chemicals by itself, but the reality is quite different.
by Jonathan Sarfati and Carl Wieland
Leviathan—real or symbolic?
16 Jan 2015
Is the creature Leviathan spoken of in Job 41, the same as that mentioned in Isaiah 27 and Psalm 74?
by Lita Coosner
Patterns of evidence: Exodus. A review
15 Jan 2015
Increasingly, secular archaeologists claim there is no evidence of the Hebrew occupation of ancient Egypt. This film begs to differ.
by Gary Bates
Did Adam understand what death was?
14 Jan 2015
Is it possible that Adam could not have comprehended death if he had not seen death?
by Charles Taylor
Exploring the God Question 2. Life and Evolution, Part 1 (Darwinism)
13 Jan 2015
by Russell Grigg
Can all those scientists be wrong?
12 Jan 2015
What does history say?
by Gordon Howard