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Denis Alexander’s hermeneutics: heretical, horrible, and harmful
06 Aug 2020
British bio-scientist Denis Alexander reads evolution into the Bible, but this forces him to reinterpret fundamental biblical doctrines like an originally perfect Creation, the Fall and Christ’s Atonement.
by Gavin Cox
Responding to liberal scholarship on Behemoth
04 Aug 2020
Some liberal scholars are advancing a ‘lewd hypothesis’ about the description of Job’s behemoth in Job 40:17.
by Paul Price
Biblical creation has the answers
03 Aug 2020
Creation magazine can help us see how Scripture answers life’s most important questions.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Did the Genesis 1 ‘days’ vary in length?
01 Aug 2020
Could the first three days of Creation Week have been longer than the last three?
by Shaun Doyle
Patriarchal drive in the early post-Flood population
31 Jul 2020
What effect did long-lived men having children have on human genetic diversity?
by Robert W. Carter
Evidence that modern humans and ‘super-archaic’ humans may have shared DNA
30 Jul 2020
New genetic evidence shows that humans may share DNA with super-archaic humans.
by Matthew Cserhati
Dogs breeding dogs?
29 Jul 2020
Dog genetics present a huge problem for evolution. Despite many centuries of breeding producing many varieties, from Chihuahuas to Great Danes, dogs are still dogs.
by Don Batten
Rest, Revival, and Creation
28 Jul 2020
Pagan and philosophical cosmogonies, and the major reinterpretations of Genesis 1 they have led to—gap theory, progressive creation, and theistic evolution—violate Genesis’ teaching about Creation, Rest and providence.
by Derek Moore-Crispin
Is God unjust for sending people to Hell?
27 Jul 2020
Many people object to the doctrine of eternal conscious punishment. How do we respond?
by Lita Sanders
Too much heat in Noah’s Flood?
25 Jul 2020
Did the physical mechanisms that operated during the Flood generate too much heat for Noah and the Ark to survive?
by Shaun Doyle
More evidence for the reality of genetic entropy—update
24 Jul 2020
Did the 1918 Spanish Flu virus really go extinct, as genetic entropy predicted?
by Robert W. Carter
Catastrophic Caves: Untold secrets of Planet Earth by Vance Nelson
21 Jul 2020
Noah’s Flood is the key to understand the rapid formation of caverns.
by Joel Tay