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How old? When archaeology conflicts with the Bible.
01 Nov 2018
Archaeologists discover a spear point “9000 years old”? But it’s far older than either the biblical date for the Flood or Creation. What is the answer to this?
by Gavin Cox
Isn’t it obvious? Natural selection can eliminate, but never create!
09 Sep 2020
Candid evolutionists have publicly recognized the obvious: natural selection is a process of elimination, not creation.
by David Catchpoole
Richard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children’s book
30 Oct 2018
Richard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children’s book laced with blasphemy.
by Paul Price
Aesop’s fables, anyone?
29 Oct 2018
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
Are Maiacetus, Indohyus, and Dorudon missing links?
27 Oct 2018
Are Maiacetus, Indohyus, and Dorudon missing links that prove whale evolution?
by Joel Tay
Not enough rocks: the sedimentary record and deep time
26 Oct 2018
According to modern sedimentation rates, are there enough sedimentary rocks to span the millions of years of ‘geologic time’?
by John K. Reed and Michael J. Oard
Apologist Matt Walsh makes a seriously uninformed attack on biblical creationism
25 Oct 2018
Well-known Christian apologist and blogger Matt Walsh has made an uninformed attack against biblical (young-earth) creationism; CMI responds.
by Paul Price
‘Star witnesses’ to a young creation
24 Oct 2018
In a universe allegedly billions of years old, some clearly visible star features should not exist.
by Don Batten
Arthur I. Brown: An early creation leader
23 Oct 2018
Dr Brown believed that evolution presents one of the greatest challenges, in all of history, against the credibility of the Bible and Christianity
by Dr Jerry Bergman
Dead crocodiles downunder
22 Oct 2018
Scientific experiments confirm that dead crocodiles need to be buried quickly in sediment to fossilize.
by Ron Neller
Poor design, or poorly used design?
20 Oct 2018
Does misuse of a designed object imply it was designed poorly?
by Shaun Doyle
A broken climate pacemaker?—part 2
19 Oct 2018
Can the uniformitarian Milankovitch climate forcing theory of climate change be saved with other data?
by Jake Hebert