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Is creation irrelevant?
01 Dec 2015
Popular leaders of ‘evangelical’ Christianity increasingly embrace evolution. How should we respond?
by Gary Bates and Lita Cosner
Bees’ guidance strategy for avoiding crash landings
30 Nov 2015
Designers of flying robotic drones have tried and failed to make autonomous landing systems, despite using lasers, radars, sonars and GPS technology. So how do bees do it so easily?
by David Catchpoole
The Good Dinosaur: A review
28 Nov 2015
What if dinosaurs and humans lived together? This movie gives an evolutionary view.
by Lita Sanders
26 Nov 2015
What is ‘creationism’? How is the word used in the creation vs evolution debate?
by Shaun Doyle
Genetic engineers unwind species barrier
25 Nov 2015
Evolutionary claims of a new species of yeast simply fall flat.
by Philip Bell
Stumped by biblical creation
24 Nov 2015
Jim Stump at BioLogos recently posted an article claiming to resolve 10 ‘common misconceptions’ about evolution which attacks biblical creation. Does it stack up?
by Paul Price
The Tamu Massif, the largest volcano on Earth, erupted catastrophically
12 May 2021
The largest volcano on Earth erupted catastrophically
by Tas Walker
Estrogen in men?
21 Nov 2015
Does a Y chromosome and estrogen in men make them confused about their sexual identity?
by Shaun Doyle
Paris attacks inspire anti-religious sentiment
20 Nov 2015
A street pianist’s performance shows a lack of understanding in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks.
by Paul Price
The puzzling Homo naledi: a case of variation or pathology in Homo erectus?
19 Nov 2015
Following the discovery of remains that have been named Homo naledi, more questions than answers emerge when the facts are examined.
by Peter Line
The curse and the cure
18 Nov 2015
In the search to rid Australia of cactus plant infestations, the answer was found in a tiny insect.
by John Mann
Richard Dawkins, anti-Christian language and the rise of science
17 Nov 2015
The fashion among certain atheists of demonizing evo-skeptic Christians fails to advance the science they profess to support, instead undermining the very foundation upon which science was birthed and flourished.
by Andrew Sibley