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Is baptism necessary for salvation? Is death such a bad thing?
14 Feb 2009
A writer took issue with a recent feedback pointing out a logical fallacy in an argument for baptismal regeneration. Another reader asks if death is really a bad thing.
by Jonathan Sarfati and Carl Wieland
WMAP ‘proof’ of big bang fails normal radiological standards
13 Feb 2009
COBE and WMAP satellite maps of cosmic microwave background fluctuations allegedly prove the big bang. But a radiology expert shows they are unreliable, miserably failing radiology standards.
by John Hartnett
Australia’s ‘season of disasters’
09 Feb 2011
A nation stands in shock at it?s worst-ever natural disaster
by Gary Bates
A truly stunning event
11 Feb 2009
CMI’s recent international family supercamp/conference held in southeastern Australia featured scientific breakthrough announcements as well as wonderful family fun.
by Carl Wieland
‘Creating’ a Stir at University
10 Feb 2009
Constant barrage of evolutionary propaganda confuses Christians but creationist information clears the fog.
by Rebecca Barrington
The universe’s birth certificate
09 Feb 2009
The Bible’s ‘birth certificate’ for the universe trumps concepts of ‘deep time’.
by Alexander Williams
Origin of life questions, and what biblical creationists really believe
07 Feb 2009
CMI commended for providing answers that pastors wouldn’t, and helps refute atheist’s chemical evolution propaganda and misunderstandings about biblical Creation/Fall model.
by Jonathan Sarfati
A pathetic case for an old earth
06 Feb 2009
Compromising author barely attempts to make the case of the title, arguing more from ‘science’ than Scripture. Snoke is also decades out of date in his understanding of real creationist arguments.
by Lita Sanders
Foxes crying foul in the henhouse!
05 Feb 2009
We reveal some of the cunning tactics used by anticreationists to turn public opinion against Bible-believing Christians.
by Gary Bates
Creationist crimefighter
04 Feb 2009
How does a top cop, and a dedicated Christian, handle policing the toughest streets of Sydney?
by David Catchpoole
Clergy Letter Project a circus
03 Feb 2009
Atheist Zimmerman invites clergy to dance to his evolutionary Clergy Letter Project.
by Adrian Bates
The enigmatic narwhal
02 Feb 2009
The bizarre tusk of this unique marine creature bolstered stories of unicorns—what are the facts, and how do they relate to Genesis history?
by Jean Lightner