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Big birdosaur blues
11 Jul 2007
New fossil find creates problems for dino-to-bird evolution.
by Shaun Doyle
Kata Tjuta: an astonishing story
09 Jul 2007
Kata Tjuta, a famous Australian tourist attraction amazes visitors. Visit the Olgas in Central Australia and discover what is so astonishing.
by Tas Walker
What really happened at Roswell?
06 Jul 2007
Hundreds of thousands of ‘true believers’ celebrate the famous ‘Roswell aliens incident’ every year. But what really happened?
by Gary Bates
Astonishing DNA complexity update
03 Jul 2007
The study that has overturned the idea of ‘junk DNA’ has also revealed yet more astonishing complexity.
by Alex Williams
Noah’s long-distance travelers
02 Jul 2007
Well-rounded quartzite boulders, scattered over mountain tops, speak powerfully of the global Flood.
by John Hergenrather
Was Leviathan a Parasaurolophus?
30 Jun 2007
Leviathan has long been a puzzle, but a likely solution is in sight. A major problem was the limits on the information that fossils can provide.
by Andrew Lamb
Amazing discovery: Bird wing has ‘leading edge’ technology
26 Jun 2007
Jumbo jets have certain design features enabling safe take-off and landing at slower airspeeds than in mid-flight. It turns out that one of those design features—previously unknown in birds—eagles use brilliantly.
by David Catchpoole
Atheism is more rational?
30 May 2023
Is atheism simply non-belief or an active belief? Who has the ‘burden of proof’: atheists or theists.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Astonishing DNA complexity uncovered
20 Jun 2007
A major study of human DNA reveals that there is probably no such thing as ‘junk DNA’. This makes the case for creation even more overwhelmingly powerful.
by Alex Williams
‘How do I do my assignment about evolution?’
19 Jun 2007
Bible-believing students can get top marks in evolution courses—it helps to know more about evolution than the evolutionists want you to know!
by Tas Walker
How do people come into a right relationship with God?
16 Jun 2007
How did people who lived prior to Jesus’ time get saved, as they could not have put their faith in him? And how does that apply to Muslims?
by Russell Grigg
Bypassing the cracks
29 Mar 2017
When mud that encases the larva of a particular African horsefly dries out and breaks up, it does so in a way that protects the insect.
by Richard Peachey