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Goats can read human faces!
20 Sep 2018
A new study shows that goats can differentiate between human facial expressions—an evolutionary conundrum.
by Paul Price
From atheist to Christian
19 Sep 2018
Despite being part of a highly successful television show which brought him riches and adoration, this man’s life was turned around when he met his Creator, Jesus Christ.
by Scott Gillis
Humanism: neither healthy, nor humane
18 Sep 2018
Chaplains are religious representatives operating in secular institutions. Since humanism is allegedly non-religious, is not a ‘humanist chaplain’ an oxymoron, revealing humanism’s blatant double standards?
by Gavin Cox
Over-engineered odour detectors
17 Sep 2018
Fruit flies’ ability to sniff out explosives explodes evolution myth
by David Catchpoole
Can there be beauty apart from God?
22 Jul 2023
Does evolution produce real beauty without the need for God?
by Shaun Doyle
The historical Adam and what he means for us
14 Sep 2018
A review of: What Happened in the Garden, Abner Chou (Ed.)
by Shaun Doyle
Is the human body badly designed?
13 Sep 2018
Refuting Human Errors: A Panorama of our Glitches by Nathan Lents.
by Don Batten, Tas Walker
Plants’ jigsaw puzzle adds to the big picture
12 Sep 2018
As every jigsaw enthusiast knows, getting every piece of the puzzle to fit in perfect juxtaposition with its neighbours doesn’t happen by itself.
by David Catchpoole
Conclusive evidence that dust rings around some stars grow into planets?
11 Sep 2018
Astronomers claim they have found a protoplanet forming around a young star, but not so fast.
by Mary Beth De Repentigny
The Fermi Paradox
16 Jan 2024
According to evolutionists, the universe should be teeming with life … but they just can’t find any.
by Gary Bates
Feathered dinosaurs?
08 Sep 2018
Do ‘quill knobs’ indicate that some dinosaurs have feathers?
by Joel Tay
Researchers remain divided over ‘feathered dinosaurs’
07 Sep 2018
Could feathered dinosaurs have existed? Logically distinct question: did dinosaurs evolve into birds?
by Brian Thomas and Jonathan Sarfati