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Creation days and Orthodox Jewish tradition
22 Feb 2017
When the traditional sources are consulted, a day is literally a day.
by Paul James-Griffiths
If Jesus paid the penalty for sin, why do Christians die?
21 Feb 2017
We respond to the question: if Jesus’ death paid the penalty for sin, why do Christians still die?
by Lita Sanders
Parrot puzzle
20 Feb 2017
The parrot’s missing relatives can’t be found.
by David Catchpoole
Are all evolutionists atheists?
18 Feb 2017
Answering questions from a correspondent who is new to creation information.
by Lita Sanders
Heredity is foundationally cellular, not genetic, and life’s history is discrete, not continuous
17 Feb 2017
A functional body plan is the key to life; without it, an embryo will not survive.
by Alex Williams
The amazing cave people of Malta
15 Feb 2017
Evolutionist indoctrination has led many to link the idea of ‘cave dwelling’ with the notion of ‘primitive subhumans’. But this does not logically follow, as recent evidence confirms.
by Joseph Mizzi and Michael Matthews
Warp drive
14 Feb 2017
The idea that spacecraft can be built that can travel vast distances in a short time fails at a theoretical level, despite what Hollywood and evolution would have us believe.
by John G. Hartnett
Tibetan snow lotus
14 Oct 2020
Is the Tibetan snow lotus evolving to elude detection?
by David Catchpoole
Cultural Relativism and Morality
11 Feb 2017
Does objective morality exist ? Or is morality relative and defined by culture?
by Joel Tay and Keaton Halley
Standard snake evolution story stymied by spate of fossil discoveries
10 Feb 2017
Paleontologists struggle to definitively answer the conundrum of their origins and the fossil record still says no to evolution.
by Philip Bell
‘Teaching creation is child abuse’?
09 Feb 2017
Some atheists make the ridiculous claim that teaching creation is child abuse. We respond.
by Gary Bates
Astonishing acrobatics—dragonflies
08 Feb 2017
These exquisite fliers have an incredible ability to appear stationary to their target.
by Jonathan Sarfati