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Did Adam sin out of love for Eve?
26 Jan 2014
Correspondents take CMI to task over our ‘attitude’ to Adam.
by Russell Grigg
The ‘big bang’ and other dark matters
25 Jan 2014
How should creationists respond to claims that dark matter has been found?
by John Hartnett
Did Darwin plagiarize his evolution theory?
24 Jan 2014
Some historians believe that all the major contributions Darwin is credited with in regard to evolution theory actually were plagiarized from other scientists.
by Jerry Bergman
Bad science and discrimination in education policies
23 Jan 2014
Governments bow to special interests to impose belief systems in schools.
by Tas Walker
Koala—The bear that isn’t!
22 Jan 2014
Highly specialized for living in eucalypt trees, the koala is something of an evolutionary mystery, with its marsupial pouch opening backwards (unlike the kangaroo’s, and possum’s, which open forwards).
by Andrew A. Snelling
Evolutionists in conflict over mammals living with dinos
21 Jan 2014
Evolution textbooks have said for years that placental mammals didn’t appear until after dinosaurs went extinct. But now many are saying that’s wrong.
by David Catchpoole
Dazzling DNA
20 Jan 2014
A huge collaborative study finds that most, and probably all, human DNA is functional (contrary to evolutionist predictions)
by Don Batten
Breeding unicorns
19 Jan 2014
Are there any limits to the production of hybrid animals?
by Keaton Halley
Why so many planets?
18 Jan 2014
Can populated planets arise by chance, and are empty planets a waste of space?
by Keaton Halley
The geological column is a general Flood order with many exceptions
17 Jan 2014
A general Flood order with many exceptions.
by Michael Oard
What percentage is acceptable to you?
16 Jan 2014
Is your family equipped to stand against the challenge?
by Scott Gillis
Frogs—Jeremiah was not a bullfrog
15 Jan 2014
When the band Three Dog Night sang ‘Jeremiah was a bullfrog’, was it making an evolutionary statement?
by Paula Weston