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Islam, testimony, and the Trinity
27 May 2012
Refuting Islamic criticisms of the Trinity, and the difference between Islamic and Christian conversion testimonies.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Do animals possess morality?
26 May 2012
Do humans only differ in degree from animals?
by Lita Sanders
The origin of the Carboniferous coal measures
18 Jan 2024
Part 1: Lessons from history.
by Joanna F. Woolley
The global Flood—according to the New Testament
24 May 2012
The New Testament authors do not allow for a local flood.
by Lita Sanders
Billions of years? Appraising the dangers
22 May 2012
Hot on the heels of Richard Dawkins’ The Magic of Reality is a book intended for even younger readers, to pre-prime them with evolution’s ‘billions of years’ message.
by David Catchpoole, Tas Walker, Don Batten and Jonathan Sarfati
Rock-solid butter!
21 May 2012
Soft tissue fossilization was thought impossible in Darwin’s day but rocky ‘bog butter’ is one of several modern finds which refute the millions-of-years dogma.
by Philip Bell
What happened before the big bang?
20 May 2012
Top secular scientists are now challenging the idea that everything began with the big bang.
by Russell Grigg
What do the atheopaths have to hide?
19 May 2012
Skeptics who refuse to reveal their name—do they have something to hide, or something to fear?
by David Catchpoole, Don Batten
Flood meteorite bombardment
18 May 2012
What do 4 Vesta and achondritic meteorites tell us about the origin of impactors from the Flood bombardment?
by Carl R. Froede Jr
The mythology surrounding James Hutton and Hadrian’s Wall
17 May 2012
It’s a nice story but it’s not accurate.
by Tas Walker
Time—no friend of evolution
15 May 2012
‘Millions of years’ don’t help—in fact they make it worse.
by David Catchpoole
Creation and Redemption: A Conversation with Albert Mohler
14 May 2012
Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Seminary, explains why biblical creation is vital.
by Lael Weinberger