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Dating of “oldest pottery” from China is based on assumptions
11 Jun 2009
The evidence is consistent with biblical history.
by Tas Walker
The Darwinian foundation of communism
18 Mar 2016
Central to the thinking of its central architects like Stalin, Lenin, Marx and Engels.
by Jerry Bergman
The slow, painful death of junk DNA
09 Jun 2009
New findings undermine the idea that large stretches of our DNA are useless.
by Rob Carter
The people that forgot time (and much else, too)
08 Jun 2009
A hunter-gatherer tribe thought to have “descended unchanged from the Stone Age” has recently been DNA-tested—with “astonishing” results.
by David Catchpoole
The return of the Nephilim?
06 Jun 2009
According to the Israelite spies returning from the Promised Land, fearsome ‘giants’ were there. But hadn’t the Nephilim of Noah’s day all been destroyed in the Flood?
by Gary Bates
Long tails, tall tales
05 Jun 2009
The Apostle of Atheism, Richard Dawkins, contributes much to the public myth of evolution as established fact, but this book offers nothing substantive to the defence of evolution.
by Lael Weinberger
Age of the earth
04 Jun 2009
Data from many different sources point to a young age for the cosmos; not billions of years.
by Don Batten
Holy war
03 Jun 2009
Who really opposed Darwin? Popular belief has it back to front …
by James Foard
Swine flu—Is it evidence of evolution?
02 Jun 2009
Just as with AIDS and avian influenza, the latest virus scare is being hailed as proof that evolution is true.
by Carl Wieland and David Catchpoole
Smaller fish to fry
03 Nov 2021
Dramatic reductions in fish size disappoint anglers and surprise many evolutionists
by David Catchpoole
Adam and the immune system
30 May 2009
Did Adam have an immune system like ours? And if so, what was it for, if life was perfect and there were no diseases?
by Carl Wieland
Geological pioneer Nicolaus Steno was a biblical creationist
29 May 2009
Steno believed that the Bible recorded an accurate history of the earth. His geological framework is remarkably similar to biblical models developed by modern creationist geologists.
by Tas Walker