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Parrot fashion
09 May 2011
Upon seeing parrots’ spectacularly vivid colouring for the first time, some people think the colours must have been painted on.
by David Catchpoole
Reconciliation and reality
07 May 2011
Do the spiritual truths of the Gospel negate its reliance on history?
by Carl Wieland
Evolutionary cladograms and malevolent, straw-men creationists
06 May 2011
A review of Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why it Matters by Donald R. Prothero.
by John Woodmorappe
Top 10 Consequences of evolution?
05 May 2011
An evolutionary institution comes up short when it tries to give the top 10 examples of evolutionary consequences.
by Lita Cosner, Jonathan Sarfati
Question evolution!
04 May 2011
How you can get involved. It’s easy to spread the truth about creation and evolution; You can do it!
by Don Batten
Infinity through dark glasses
03 May 2011
Even something as straightforward as mathematics can give us a glimpse of things our finite minds find hard to grasp—but they’re real nonetheless.
by not supplied
Fossils in the wrong place?
02 May 2011
Yes and no!
by Michael Oard
Does Genetics Point to a Single Primal Couple?
30 Apr 2011
A reader points out that a Biologos article contradicts what CMI has published. Who is right?
by Rob Carter
A revealing look at the world’s religious belief systems
29 Apr 2011
A review of Discovering God by Rodney Stark
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Who wrote Genesis?
27 Apr 2011
A deadly hypothesis denying that Moses wrote Genesis, and based on spurious scholarship, is still widely being taught to future Christian leaders.
by Russell Grigg
The mystery of the Mummy
26 Apr 2011
What is the link between the death of Tutankhamun—the most famous Egyptian Pharaoh of them all—and evolution? Facts don’t speak for themselves!
by Dominic Statham
Darwinism and World War One
25 Apr 2011
While the Second World War is more obviously connected to Darwinism, it also played an important role in the first.
by Lita Sanders