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Over-engineering in nature: an evolutionary conundrum
23 Nov 2021
Natural selection can only select for the attributes an organism needs to survive, so how is it that creatures are endowed with a whole lot more than necessary?
by David Catchpoole
E. Coli’s electric motor: a marvel of design
22 Nov 2021
The bacterium has “remarkable” and “sophisticated” nano-scale electric motors
by David Thomas
Is there any evidence for evolution?
20 Nov 2021
A lot depends on what we mean by ‘evidence’.
by Shaun Doyle
Rapid growth of caves and speleothems: part 3—Flood and Ice Age variables
19 Nov 2021
How were speleothem growth variables affected by Noah’s Flood and its aftermath?
by Michael J. Oard
‘The Wonder of Science’
16 Nov 2021
If you’re looking for a book that covers a range of science subjects to counter evolutionary indoctrination, you need seek no further.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Startling fossils in amber defy long-age dogmas
15 Nov 2021
Fossils in amber look like creatures still alive today!
by Philip Robinson
Rapid growth of caves and speleothems: part 2—growth rate variables
12 Nov 2021
What variables affect the growth rate of speleothems?
by Michael J. Oard
Pagan creation myths
09 Nov 2021
Many theological scholars today wrongly try to force the Genesis account into a straitjacket, interpreting it according to Ancient Near East pagan myths.
by Florin Mocanu
Countering indoctrination
08 Nov 2021
Creation magazine is a powerful tool
by Don Batten
The Pinatubo eruption—catastrophic pyroclastic flows and lahars
05 Nov 2021
How does the Mount Pinatubo eruption support Flood geology?
by Andrew Sibley
The geological history of Tasmania, Australia
04 Nov 2021
How biblical geology interprets our world to add insights, reveal problems, and solve puzzles.
by Tas Walker
Why I’m finally a young-earth creationist
02 Nov 2021
CMI’s Dr Jim Mason responds to Dr Luke Barnes’ Premier Christianity magazine article, “Why I’m no longer a young-earth creationist”
by Jim Mason