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‘Killer’ caterpillar with ‘sting’ in its tail
23 Sep 2019
A tiny caterpillar can make a meal out of an unsuspecting insect in the blink of an eye.
by Joel Tay
What is Archaeotherium? Pig or hippopotamus? What is Onychonycteris? Shrew or bat?
21 Sep 2019
No proof for evolution—Archaeotherium pre-Flood pig, and Onychonycteris turns out to be yet another species of bat.
by Matthew Cserhati
ERVs and LINEs—along novel lines of thinking
20 Sep 2019
What new functions do these supposed examples of ‘junk DNA’ have?
by Peer Terborg
Homo Deus and the worship of man
19 Sep 2019
Satan’s old lie, “You will be like God”, reverberates still today, and an effective rebuttal of the idolatry of popular humanistic claims requires creation without compromise.
by Philip Bell
The surprising ‘belwhal’
18 Sep 2019
DNA reveals beluga-narwhal hybrid
by Phil Robinson
Senseless cynical censorship
17 Sep 2019
A campaign organized by the British Humanist Association, of 46 leading scientists and organizations, is pressuring the Welsh Government to ban creation in Welsh schools
by Gavin Cox
The Red Blanket
16 Sep 2019
The furry carnivore which rapidly spread across the globe.
by Philip Robinson
Why do Christians have differing views?
14 Sep 2019
God inspired the Bible as completely accurate. So why does He allow us to have different opinions?
by Lita Sanders
Tunnel valleys can be formed in one ice age by catastrophic flow
13 Sep 2019
Can they be formed catastrophically?
by Michael J. Oard
The planets are young: 5 Uranus and Neptune
11 Sep 2019
We present reasons why Uranus and Neptune are young, not billions of years old, as claimed in the BBC-TV program The Planets.
by Russell Grigg
The inspiration of Scripture comes in various forms
10 Sep 2019
We believe the Bible is inspired, but what does that mean?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
As silent as a flying owl
09 Sep 2019
How do you make the blades of a multi-rotor drone ‘chop’ the air more quietly? Look to the owl’s wings …
by David Catchpoole