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Peter Singer: ‘Christians condone murder to harvest donor organs’. Is he right?
03 Jan 2009
A supporter asks about this infamous atheist ‘ethicist’ accusing Christians of hypocritically putting aside the ‘Genesis/God’s image’ argument when it suits them.
by Carl Wieland
Defining the Flood/post-Flood boundary in sedimentary rocks
15 Dec 2017
Twelve criteria to use to define where the Flood stops in the rock record.
by Michael J. Oard
Butterfly brilliance
01 Jan 2009
Some of the most striking butterfly colours are produced by advanced photonic crystals not pigments. The scales of Lamprolenis nitida form two interspersed diffraction gratings, producing two different signals.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Creation Couple
31 Dec 2008
Whether challenging secularists on creation or abortion, husband and wife Dr Stephen Grocott and Dr Dianne Grocott pack a powerful punch.
by Don Batten and Jonathan Sarfati
‘Go to hell, creationists!’
30 Dec 2008
A rowdy demonstration at a German university shows that ‘tolerance’ does not extend to creation and the Bible.
by Carl Wieland
Refutation of New Scientist’s Evolution: 24 myths and misconceptions
29 Dec 2008
Fifth instalment of New Scientist refutation deals with their attempt to play divide and conquer, and pokes holes in their ‘just-so’ stories about intermediate forms.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Geological Society of Australia seeks to censor creation, intelligent design and Flood geology
27 Dec 2008
But mainstream geologists would benefit by trying to understand the creationist viewpoint.
by Tas Walker
Cosmic and universal death from Adam’s fall: an exegesis of Romans 8:19–23a
30 Mar 2024
Romans 8 testifies that the Curse is universal in extent.
by Henry B. Smith Jr
Is evolution ‘scientific’?
25 Dec 2008
America’s National Science Education Standards specifies certain criteria as to what constitutes scientific knowledge. How does evolution rate?
by Calvin Smith
The wonders of water
24 Dec 2008
Water has some fascinating features that suggest it has been designed ‘just right’ for life.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Sharing your faith
23 Dec 2008
Street preacher Russell Wallace shares his insights and experience about what to say to those who resist the Gospel today.
by Russell Wallace
Where did all the water go?
22 Dec 2008
Ever wondered about Noah’s Flood and where all the water went to? The answer is really very simple.
by Tas Walker